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Nuummite Double Terminated Pendant with 925 Sterling Silver Fitting


Product Information

Nuummite Double Terminated Pendant with 925 Sterling Silver Fitting.
This Nuummite Pendant is a great choice.  This polished terminator has a lovely tone and a natural earthy look.
This pendant features natural Nuummite and the terminator is fitted with a 925 sterling fitting.  
This pendant is an beautiful piece and would make the perfect gift.
About Nuummite:-
Nuummite has wonderful magical earth energy.  It comes from Greenland and is said to be the oldest mineral on earth, about 3 billion years.
Great stone for grounding energy and centering the ethereal body.
Nuummite is a stone that holds your attention visually.  Its flecks of color draw you in and ask for your attention.  This visual connection is an indicator of its ability to help you develop your gifts of clairvoyance and possibly scrying.  By looking at the stone and allowing your attention to be drawn to the different patterns and layers that present themselves, you will find it easier to pick up images both within the stone and in your mind’s eye that inform you about the energies around you.  For some, this may be the ability to see possible future events.
Another quality of Nuummite is the ability to connect with the energy of the stars and our galaxy.  Much like when we are out in Nature, and the vastness of the nighttime sky is visible, it is hard not to wonder about the majesty and mystery of the Universe. It is during these times of reflection that we put many things into perspective.  One of the most important aspects of this reflection is our connection to Oneness.
Sometimes we need to reflect on how small we really are compared to the vastness.  It is through this contemplation, that the beauty and Magic of the Divine is revealed.  Allow Nuummite to assist you in this contemplation.  You will likely find that you are able to stay grounded while you venture into depths of space.
Staying with the theme of reflection and contemplation, this is a stone that can assist you in the process of self-discovery AND in attaining your desired state of being.  For many of us we are realizing that the new energy of Consciousness asks us to embody our truth and our value, BEING who we truly are.  We live in a society that has valued “doing.”  That is all starting to shift. By working with Nuummite, you are reminded that sometimes the most important thing we can do…is simply to be.
This stone is very soothing to the emotional body. It facilitates a positive, upward flow of energy from the Solar Plexus Energy Center and sometimes even the Reproductive. This can be ideal for releasing stress, especially from newly absorbed emotional energy. Meaning, mental debris or chatter that was not cleared from the mental body and as a result became denser and dropped into the emotional body.
***   Stock Photo

Product Code: nummitedoubleterminatorpendant

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